Fire King

Master V from on January 19th, 2025
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 480
41 cards

Notes & Combos

So I was playing SEFK and realized I don't like Snake Eye. So I played Pure Fire King instead!

Feels much more mid-rangey than SEFK which was a breath of fresh air from all the combo decks I normally play. Felt really good into most decks. Yubel being the most annoying matchup in my opinion which is why I'm playing 3 Crow+Belle hoping my non-engine bailed me out most of the time. (Tear was a similar situation but not as bad of an overall matchup I found.)

Final Bringer of the End Times was a pretty cool card to have alongside Sky Burn I found. Tried 3 Sky Burn but it being OPT made opening 2 feel really bad. Have a Replay vs Lab where opening 1 Sky Burn 1 Final Bringer allowed an actual warcrime.

Deck also handles this very strange "I activate my card that lets me draw" fad pretty well. Often times 1 normal summon+a good search off island was enough to get an okay game state going for yourself without giving your opponent 20 cards.

Overall fun deck, do definitely recommend!

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Got a few replays on my profile. Feel free to check em out. May add more as I climb to M1 later in the month.

Replay ID: 962-976-888