Notes & Combos
Got tired of losing to random jank in diamond, turns out ariseheart unicorn fenrir deals with most stuff if you win the flip. However, this variant has big trouble going second if you dont resolve the correct HTs against a given deck AND don't brick. I can understand pathfinder from an rng pov for tournaments, but god do i hate this card. Going to swap this with small world.
Now the elephant in the room: Dragoon! You may be wondering why? I just wanted to jump on the dragoon bandwagon. It is very janky tm don't ban my boy verte lol. But on a serious note, verte line is very handy when your opponent negates unicorn and maybe even riseheart and it's your only play. I'm not saying it's the best way, but from my experience it's a viable way and I'd recommend it for funsies too. Hard opening RE fusion has won me many games also, if i play small world that will most definitely bait the ash so it can go through. You can NS DM and RE with birth which i did do one time XD
ED is standard, didn't summon most stuff, dracossack, dark arm one time, but usually its baronne, shangri, ariseheart, verte, and maybe s:p. Still we don't play extrav because I hate rng gamba (hence why I'll be making changes going forward)
But yeah all that said the deck wasn't very enjoyable in master rank as i said it was all rng. pathfinder is coming out, I don't personally like this rng gamba hit big or go home playstyle — especially in regards to coinflip. But that's just me. Small world, yes its -1, but i can search lava golem perhaps and do some damage that way.
Other variants I'll play in future: Zoodiac (Full kash engine), small world, blind second, allure queen (if it's good), bigger 7 engine with less HT, some random guu.
Thanks for reading :)
No replays yet lol, if you want to check out my zoo Kash replays you can, but that's predominantly a zoo deck with just the birth fenrir engine.