
Master V from on January 28th, 2025
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Overall a pretty awesome deck. Play it in ladder and you'll get an good time (especially if you get creative). Here are my thoughts about the deck:

  • The deck suffers a lot Nibiru and Maxx C, the 1X Nibiru is only for crossout and I never used it once during my games
  • Mathmech circular (UNPOPULAR OPINION) is not your main and strongest combo. I used it most of times as bait so I encourage you to try playing with your Firewall Defenders since they are pretty good
  • This deck completely sucks in tournaments so if you want to try building it hoping to compete in high level tournaments, I'm sorry, it won't happen. The meta is too fast and you get hand trapped a lot.

This are some thoughts hope you give the math guys a chance they teach you very well timings on interactions and to play your resources very "smartly". Replays are at last just a brief note about how many disruption you can set up every turn: in a good turn you can set up at least 6 disruption (4 only from Laplacian) and at least the Desaworm and an Handtrap (drawn by Heatsoul)

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Here there are some replays if you want to watch them, the last one was for rank up game and you'll see how powerful and versatile this deck can be at times.
