Notes & Combos
I finally made it back to Master! I was originally trying to climb with a fire pile deck (Rescue-Ace mainly, including Snake-Eye Fire King).
The deck performs really well going first and second. Only 12 handtraps/boardbreakers, but most hands let you play through the important disruptions going second, and a couple hand traps going first. I’ve consistently been able to put up great boards after being ashed and impermed/veilered. Charmies and the roach can hurt since there’s a few engines, but it’s not terrible to sit on Woes and Silvy to pass. This is especially nice with the toys in the backrow and other handtraps you might’ve drawn.
Overall very smooth climb, around 70% winrate between D5 and M5, going first and second. Nibiru helps a lot since people don’t expect it, definitely won me some games. I would play a second blazar … I don’t have one. Happy climbing, I can[t] wait for Fiendsmith.