Chain Burn

Master V from on July 11th, 2024
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 720
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard Chain Burn Deck. Alternated between this and Sky Strikers to get to master 5. Lord of the Heavenly Prison and Boo Boo Game are better than Timelords and Dimension Wall because there's a lot of backrow hate in this meta

The extra deck as always is mostly useless but there are a few rarely used tech choices in there. any two effect monsters can link into Camellia which can link into hayate who can attack directly for 1500 or Kaina who can cut off an attacker. This will rarely happen but it's neat. Two Lords can go into superdreadnaughts and I've had two Lords on board one time before I added them and had wished I did. Charmers might be handy one day. Used the attributes of my 3 non kaijus. the other strikers just to maybe trick kashtira into thinking its a different sort of deck.

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