Dream Mirror

Master V from on July 13th, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 720
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Getting to master has left me hollow and empty.

Bystials help a lot against the flood of tear players ive been seeing, as well as just making the deck hardier. Running less lab stuff because I kept drawing 3-4 normal summon monsters and it was annoying me.

I bricked sooo much on this grind, like an actually unnatural amount. I think lovely was in my opening hand every other game, no exaggeration. So its kinda hard to tell how bricky it is gonna be for most (but expect a lot, especially when taking in account your opponent ashing/imperming you).

Check the other dream mirror lists on my profile for more in depth notes on how to pilot the deck, ciao.

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Player ID: 088-909-981

All the diamond replays after WCS are using this deck, the latest one was my rank up (he bricked so not much to see).