
Master V from on July 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

If you go first with this deck 90% of the time you will win. You can play through maxx c with this deck because your opponent will most likely not suspsect exodia. The only real scary hand trap is droll.

Tip 1: If you have a search card and a draw card, 9/10 time use a search card first to thin out the deck before using a draw card. Example: use bonfire before using upstart or wanted before using chicken game.

Tip 2: when using original sinful most of the time you would use it to summon jet synchron instead of your other snake-eyes card for powertool or formula. (I only use sinful to summon snake-eyes if I still have all 3 snake-eyes with Flamberge in deck or if i still have 3 golden bamboo swords in deck)

This deck is pretty consistent only very rarely bricking. It's possible to win second too but obviously a little harder.

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-=Exodia Horus Snake-Eyes Replays=-

Playing through Maxx C against Tearlaments


The power of powertool + Bamboo sword combo (what you will most likely want to do if you havent drawn bamboo sword yet or if there's still a golden bamboo sword in your deck) [best combo]


If you have original bamboo sword in grave then summon power tool to equip original bamboo from grave or deck and cursed bamboo from deck. If there's already a cursed bamboo sword in grave, equip from deck deck in order to thin deck out.


Going second is usually harder to win but its still playable if you bait out their negates with snake-eyes engine.



Bonus Replays:
