
Master V from on July 26th, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos


Daruma is the strongest card in this format no question, and I wanted to capitalize on that by using Arias as a pseudo-handtrap. Been playing this version of lab for a few months now and love it. Too bad I don't love the game atm otherwise I could see this easily going to M1. This M5 climb was me literally playing 1 or 2 games every other day(ish) to finish the daily challenges. I would say the hardest matchup is against branded given how they can always just bounce back, but it wasn't enough for me to consider running cards like Dimensional Barrier or anything.

I used to run gamma but was so ******* sick and ******* tired of drawing Driver every ******* ************* game. **** that nonsense. Droll has served me better anyways.

The fusions in the ED are there to bait low IQ Kash players and it works so well LMAO. I don't want them touching my chaos angels or mucks, and after a pot I could be running low. And before you ask YES 3 chaos angels is mandatory at this point. I've won countless games against yubel by essentially recycling angels with muck. If you want to play lab stop splitting hairs and just craft the **** card.

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