
Master V from on July 28th, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 360
44 cards

Notes & Combos

100% winrate going first!!!!!!!!!!!!

i went in total 38 - 13, (74.5% winrate), with 23 wins going first, and 15 - 13 going second (53.6%). do note, that I also play other decks, so win loss ration may be more or less that what I actually needed to climb.

Either way, this deck is great! its fun, interactive, you have a chance in every match-up, even in going second with no handtraps games (though those are rare), and its skill cap is insanely high.


why not play centur-ion? Because cricket is an actual win con. Did you get Maxx C? normal cricket, pass. Do they want to summon out of their extra? cricket.

Now seriously, cricket is actually busted. a normal summon 2 monster negates is nuts, and that is if you get maxx c'ed. if not, normal cricked is a naturia beast plus cricket on their turn, which is actually cracked. This guy, single handedly, makes your interaction annoying as all ****, and grinds any game you need.

Also, the horus package is super nice, allowing for a grind game that is insane, going second easy otks, and combined with a camellia, going into supernova + crimson dragon + lulu (lulu is a lot better than masurawo, since tagging out with crimson dragon activates to negate field spells, or an opposing king sarc). In addition, if you are missing the naturia part of the deck, going into zombie vampire allows for a lot of extension, since hitting any of cricket / camellia / naturia trap does the job.


cards that did not come up:

sifr (never did need to go into it with the supernova, also never went full into the crimson dragon combo), number 68 or number 90.

cards that came up (once or twice) and saved the game:

barkion (destroyed lab twice), baronne (as a late game tool with the bystials), knightmare phoenix (once to discard the naturia trap to continue my plays, once to destroy dimensional fissure) and goddess (to kill a expurr noir)

card I missed having on occasion: second nat reborn.

card I did not miss: droll, a lot worst in most matchups that ghost ogre


food for thought: maybe replace the souls with a centur-ion package, but needs testing, so ill update next month


So, i absolutely recommend this deck

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