
Master V from on July 3rd, 2024
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 480
50 cards

Notes & Combos


A thousand years of fire! This early-season R-Ace build seeks to circumvent the consistency hits from the forthcoming banlist and extend to heights beyond. Here's what's new about it:


The newest additions to this are consistency cards and a small Infernoble engine. With 50 cards, there's minimal chance for one to draw into the bricks for this deck, and even still, consistency cards like Pot can help. The Infernoble engine seeks to give the deck a means to better search Air Lifter and potentially get to Baronne on turn 1, while also providing a decision matrix for Kashtira Unicorn's effect, given there's no one immediately good target to hit.

You'll also notice both Hydrant and Impulse are being run at 3x apiece. This is to offset the name shortage that exists with Air Lifter getting semi-limited, and also help strengthen Hydrant's summon by having another different name to back it up. This helps a key search dodge targetted negation and potentially even play beyond Ash Blossom (which, during my climb, happened frequently).

The hand traps remain the same, and you'll be drawing into several thanks to the deck's composition, but never too many at once given that 50c is a large quantity. They aim to simplify the board state with bomb effects or greatly hamper plays, just as in my previous builds.

Extra Deck

This list is effectively an all-stars lineup for R-Ace extra decks, featuring all of Baronne, Isolde, I:P, S:P, Elf, Princess, and Linguriboh. All of these lines are readily accessible and are customizable based on what you open. This composition provides many starters and much material, so the choice is yours (replays below will show what you can do).


This season's build is, thus far, my most favorite R-Ace brew yet. It's experienced extraordinary success on the ladder very early on in the season, where I've faced nothing but anti-meta or top meta strategies, effectively all of which were overcome thanks to how explosive and extensive this brew can be. Best of luck to those who try this out, and I look forward to updating this with a Master 1 post soon!

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-Elf-Linguriboh line (Credit to Denliner)

-Example of extension capabilities (turn 2, vs. Labrynth)

-Example of Baronne line (WITHOUT Isolde, 3c)

-Example of Baronne line (WITHOUT Isolde, 2c)

-Example of Baronne line (WITH Isolde, 1c)