
Master V from on July 21st, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 810
50 cards

Notes & Combos

Since Dinomorphia was a bit painful to play this season and i started to get bored of it i decided to change it up and play something completely different, settled on RDA since it´s an archtype thats both appealing gameplaywise aswell as aesthetically.

Not really much to say about the list, would preferably swap out Skill drain+ Gozen for Darumas but i dont have any UR dust left so i had to compromise a bit. Should also be a Legatia instead of 2nd Auxila and Shenshen might aswell be swapped for Trishula as another Crimson Dragon Target with Abyss on the field.

Evenly did a whole lot of work this season, especially into yubel and stun so i´m kinda happy to have it around, if you draw it going first its also not to bad since we can just discard it for bone.

Going first without any interruptions pretty much leads to an unbreakable field ( outside of getting sacked by Spoly) which was kinda neat. If you for some reason dont have Phalanx Access i heavily recommend going into cosmic blazar instead of supernova so you can negate the Typhon summmon , otherwise you might lose and endboard piece for no reason ( and its not like blazar is bad either way)

Shoutout to all the people in the MDM Resonator Discord, they helped out a lot :3

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