
Master V from on July 16th, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

10 normal summons because not opening monsters usually kills this deck. I used the dogmatika package because it was cheaper, but there is a lot of anti-synergy with many cards, i removed Maximus because of that. Shifter win games in its own, 4 pots because this deck bricks like **** and 3 morganite because you ALWAYS want to have this card, drawing 2 is BUSTED when the game is reduced to only normal summoning. Necrovalley is a must and kills most meta decks. I had clockwork due uncanny amount of rogue decks i played against. Superpoly came into play sometimes but it has a lot of anti-synergy and forced me to run water statues (for mudragon). Evenly match win games on its own like shifter, but i ran 2 because its a brick going 1st with it. Solenm vow is goated and iron thunder is basically solemn strike on steroids to generate crazy advantage. For extra deck, its a mix of superpoly, dogmatika punishment and golgonda targets. You should run 3 titaniklad if you can, i ran 2 to save up craft poins, the third one would have came into play in games were my pots banned all golgonda cards.

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