
Master V from on July 5th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Some Important notes:

  • Pivot to Exosisters if you feel like you can't finish the standard vaalmonica line
  • If your opponent Nibs you and you have 3 counters (or 2 if you have the trap in hand), just go into link spider, they might not read Angello lmao
  • If you're wondering why you can activate rhythm even tho you dont have any Vaalmonica monsters in your monster zone, well its because the Vaal cards in your pend scales are also treated as a 'Vaalmonica Monster'

Unique Combo 1: Selettrice + Vaal Pend (Or field spell + either of the two):

  • Standard Vaal Combo until after you use Dimono to copy Scelta
  • Instead of searching Versare, you search Rhythm (The Trap)
  • Use any of the lvl 4s to go into kaspitel, searching elis
  • Summon elis for free, then use elis + the other lvl 4 into Mikailis, searching Vadis
  • Go into Magnifica, then set Vadis & Rhythm and pass

Unique Combo 2 (Needs a bit of luck): Martha + Selettrice/Field Spell Searching Selettrice:

  • NS Selettrice, search Scelta
  • Pray your opponent chooses the Minus LP effect
  • Get Invitare, then activate it, putting ANGELLO to the hand and DIMONO in the ED
  • Angello eff to discard a card to set itself and dimono in the pend scale
  • Pend summon Dimono from the ED and Martha from Hand
  • Activate Dimono eff to banish scelta, searching for Rhythm
  • Martha then gets activated (since you moved the GY) and xyz summon to Kaspitel
  • Kaspitel search Elis, then summon Elis
  • Elis + Dimono goes into Mikailis
  • Mikailis Search for Pax (if Pax was already used, search Vadis)
  • Mikailis + Kaspitel goes into Magnifica, set vadis and pass
  • If you searched pax instead, Activate Pax to search for Stella and summon it via additional Pax eff
  • Stella + Selettrice goes into either I:P or S:P (whichever one you want more on field)

Unique Combo 2.5 (Basically the No gambling version):

  • NS Selettrice, search Invitare
  • Activate Invitare, adding ANGELLO to the hand and DIMONO to the ED
  • Activate Angello, discard a card and setup the scales
  • Pend summon Martha and Dimono
  • Use specifically SELETTRICE + DIMONO to summon kaspitel
  • Kaspitel DETACH SELETTRICE to add elis
  • Selettrice GY eff add back to the hand, which triggers Martha
  • Martha summon out Mikailis, search Vadis (Or pax if you haven't used it yet and want to go into an S:P or I:P)
  • If you chose vadis, go into magnifica, set vadis, and pass
  • If you chose Pax, summon out elis first, then activate pax to add Stella and summon it, then go Magnifica & S:P/I:P.
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I planned to put up more combo lines but i'll save that when i reach M1 since i reached the word limit here lol. Anyways, here's some visual aid if you're too lazy reading my notes:
