
Master V from on June 16th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Blue-Eyes Bystial Hybrid Deck

Bystials are very strong against Light and/or Dark decks, but very weak against others. The deck is good against Tear and can be nice against Branded Bystial if you banish correctly.

On the other hand, decks like Spright and Adam Vernuslyph which dont dump Light/Dark monstersto GY, are some of the very hard matchups. You must go 1st and establish board or go 2nd and resolve Maxx C to have a winning chance.

The strongest end board that I recall is : No 38, Hieratic Link, Branded Beast and Regained (with Baldrake ready to be resummoned from GY), protected BE Jet, while also having druiswurm on hand.

The reasonings for card choices and alternative cards are on the description of the linked videos.

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My replays with gameplay explanations: More replays on Diamond ladder : (When I still played Levianeer) Replays of Blue-Eyes Bystial with Sage with Eyes of Blue and Dictator of D (if aynyone is interested) :