
Master V from on June 3rd, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Was 75-80% win rate up to D3 then plummeted to like 55-60%. Then held steady at about 65%. Lots of mirror matches in D1. Dont even want to talk about how much of the black side of the coin I saw. To be fair though, with 15 HT you dont do to bad going second, you just need to have martha or pax or you are screwed basically. Prosp back to 2 when? :(

Up until D3 I was on 2x Magistus Zoroa for more consistency, but switched to Ghost Reaper after to deal with Tear players rage milling me; she was also devestating in the mirror match (along with crossout). Zoroa is fine, just bad into imperm, Havnis and of course maxx c. He can clog up your Martha on follow up plays if he stays on field too. But he gives backrow removal, can trigger martha in some situations, and gives you guaranteed follow up.

Arment was the mvp. Nobody really expects it, and on opp turn it plays around sulliek (or your turn if they have a revived merli or reino); and perl/kaleido since turn player gets priority, letting you dodge the pop or spin.

We hate Rulkallos. We hate Dragostapelia.

Stun decks and Floo were also pretty easy to handle for the most part.

049578024 for Replays. Thx for reading.

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