
Master V from on June 21st, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 390
44 cards

Notes & Combos

What's up, y'all. I say that decklists should be shared if 1) the deck you play isn't a deck where 100 other lists are available, or 2) there's a tech option that makes your list different from other lists. With that being said, the list is mostly the same as my D5 list with a few key adjustments.

  • Baldrake and Kelbek didn't perform as well as I expected, so since I wanted to get to Master, they had to go
  • I:P and Dugares were replaced with Sprind and Stapelia, and Merrli was added because it's fun to do Fluffal Sheep/Cross-Sheep into Sprind, mill Merrli, fuse into Stapelia (thank you to Fluffal gang for telling me about this)

I would advise a third Super Poly (but I'm short on UR dust) because Garura = more cards drawn; other advice is on my D5 list and I don't feel like droning on about the same things.

Finally, please unlimit Foolish Burial Goods, Konami!

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ID: 678-498-911; 3 Branded matchups, 1 Spright matchup (vs E-ncySalas)