
Master V from on June 4th, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 240
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Some Tips:

  • Snake-Eyes combo does not use Cobalt, but it is useful for LL combos, so I added it back.
  • Going 2nd we can use S:P's 1st effect and still have game. Against Salamangreat you want to save S:P for their best card: Salamangreat Sanctuary, so that you can prevent them reducing the ATK to 0 and gain LP. (Seriously this card is busted)
  • Where Arf Thou is not once per turn. Rememeber to use it when you still have a Level 1 on board.

Have fun with the birdies!

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Friend Code: 082-110-645

There should be 2-3 relevant replays.