cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Overall deck is pretty standard. I chose to run 3 Horus names and dropped the 4th because the consistency hit wasn't worth the payoff. The 1 Hours field spell was for added consistency and is a good Ash bait / handtrap check. Nibiru at x2 was a perfect ratio - Nib has won me a lot of duels going second.

The Extra Deck has flexibility. Barkion was actually my least used card, I was never willing to trade my Sunflower to synchro it. SP can be run at 1, never really summoned the second copy. Lancelot is a very specific/technical card, so can be cut. A strong budget synchro 12 dragon is Sifr if you dont have the UR for Blazar or Supernova.

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706-764-287 / first 4 replays on june 22-23

Also YT video of lots of other replays from WCS and ladder
