
Master V from on June 24th, 2024
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 360
42 cards

Notes & Combos


First of all, this deck isn't made to go blind 2nd. Yes, the deck is brutal going 2nd, but it's also very good making solid boards going 1st, and at this moment in MD, u simply can't win a dice roll and choose to go 2nd.

That's the most solid and consistent Tistina list you're going to find out there.

There's no standard line to play; the deck is very resilient and has a lot of possible ways to go, depending on what HTs u play around. Your T1 goal normally is Kash + Armor + S:P. Sometimes Armor + God + Demigod.

I played with a similar deck at YCS Rio and finished day one 5-1-1 (beating Kotton last round and unfortunately got a draw and a loss day 2 lol). The deck isn't that bad.

Tistina is good. God is Great. Hope u guys enjoy it :)

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I also got 2nd place in TCG locals with a very similar list, here's the link in case you guys want to check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGkrBmre6ko