
Master V from on June 10th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Presenting: 🎀🌟🌸 Trickstar! 💫💕✨ MD Replays: 091-690-479 👈 ^ Updated monthly with 3x new rogue deck replays. No current Trickstar updates bc saving them for the end of the month assuming I can hit M1 with them finally :,)

Its an absolute tragedy Reincarnation is at 1 and the field at 2. The only reason I can put to this is simply wanting to prevent Bots from FTKing through ladder. Which is a sad reality. Truly hope to see the cards freed up soon. This deck is so capable with 3x Reincarnation. Espeically with all of Sneyes starters to 1.

With that being said, this was a bit of a tough climb to Master 5, and the deck does struggle to win against certain matchups (Fire Decks/Lab) but it didn't feel as tedious as many other decks I tried this month. Last month I attempted to make the deck work but was unsuccessful to reach M1. I actually enjoyed the gameplay though and it felt like I am on a mission to Droll lock opponents after banishing their hand vs actually play a painful back and forth uphill battle vs better decks. I would actually recommend considering building this deck if your interested, especially since its legal in most events and has a very alternative playstyle.

The deck isn't very complex to play, and has pretty linear combos. It feels like games often come down to "I win now because I did the damage even though you have +11 more cards than me." Which I persoanlly welcome in the current META that otherwise feels entirely about just out resourcing your opponent with micro advantage cards that have mid effects.

Notable Post Deckbuilding Thoughts:

  • My heart broke when I tried Muko for the first time with Reincarnation for a Droll lock (without Droll) and realized it misses timing.
  • The Trickstar cards may operate better as an engine in a light/fairy pile using Kristya and friends. I played with this a bit but it didn't pan out. But it felt like there was potential and I just couldn't crack the code.
  • The deck can do pretty decent as a stun variant running floodgates stun cards; however you can't run Morganite since Lycoris is a hand effect. This was part of why I chose not to run this, but also bc Droll lock is so fun.
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