
Master V from on June 5th, 2024
cp-ur 1440 + cp-sr 540
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Gass Gass Grass!🔥&💀

Yes, this list already contained the new banlist hits since the start of the month. I didn't have to, but I want to show those 2 extra don't meaningfully influence your winrate in Maxx "C" and go-first-or-lose Modern YuGiOh. So long as 1 S.Ash, 1 OSS and 1 Poplar is legal, the engin is worth for Volcanics.

Game plan:

Game plan: hope you don't brick, and if you do, hope you can get out Horus for coach and pray for an unbrick.

If you didn't brick: chances are you can go for an FTK.

Going second is far easier for this deck than it has any right to be but modern yugioh has 7 negates for your 6 cards.


This deck is a notably different variation of my Master 1 deck list. https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/master-i/may-2024/volcanic/rhydonphilip/iD61Z

This one is more GY focused. Grass, Triple Tac Trust, 3 Horus names, a Fire Recovery and a Snow. Is it better? No, but only by a small brickier margin. These distinctions are needed to get value out of Grass. We really are 1-2 worthwhile cards short of a 60 deck to just do the Master 1 list + Grass.

With a third Horus name you can go Giant Coach or Zombie Vampire. I will be honest, the only time I ever summoned the Zombie Vampire was surplus, or a broken hand AND board praying for a Volcanic Emperor pass situation off a Rimfire banish. Feel free to replace Zombie Vampire with Dharc the Dark Charmer.

2nd Poplar is just a strong normal going first and second. It + diabell / Fire Ejection / VBA + Volcanic Name would be sufficient.

Triple Tac Trust + token = Grass. Always summon token first.

Snow banish for Emperor to burn 5K is hilarious

FTK starters:

S.Ash / One For One / Bonfire } 1 card combos.

Poplar / Trooper + Diabell / WANTED / F Eject + Discard

VBA + Trooper / F Eject + Shell

Or some between w 2x coach burn. (Remember kids, gambling is bad even if it's fun)

On the bright side, almost all of them are superpoly immune and can end on either double Emperor pass or generic snake-eye endboard; if you fail the FTK.


  • Maxx "C". It's 1.2x as bad with this version than the Master 1 version. No, that 1 Crossout wouldn't magically solve it.

  • Kash, no matter how many times I fight them. Their hands are always 3+ card combos no hand here can break.

  • Lot of Tearlaments on ladder. You beat them going second so long as you can get Subversion to hand & they don't have super poly / trap x 2.

  • I run Feather: 0 Rescue Ace to be found 💀

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