
Master V from on March 31st, 2024
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 750
40 cards

Notes & Combos

BURRRRRRNNN BABY. This deck is just jokes.

Couple notes here- Mourner/ring combo goes hard. Hit a 3k target and you have an ez 6k. Also, mourner countering Lovely is one of the only ways this deck stays competitive against lab. the non target pops really hurt.

Lord has come in clutch enough to where I'd consider him a staple. The 3k beatstick is good for the passive player that isnt attacking. Which isnt uncommon when they figure out you have burn. Its also great to play at the end phase to search any spell/trap in your deck going into your next round. If you dont have enough recouses you can search for a pot and if you use him at the right time in the battle phase he'll make sure you live another round.

The paleo tech is fun, you got to remember they can ashe it tho.

I'd consider adding chain strike if it wasnt a UR. I happened to already have mourner and lord so this was an ez build for me. I'd consider taking out the paleo package for the chain if you have the UR to spare. Idk there are moments where you DONT want to chain your traps tho. sometimes its better to go one by one to gurantee they dont use a counter in the middle that reduces the damage significantly... like if they have a fairy tail snow or big welcome to bounce bodies off the field. Ive lost quite a few games because I created a long chain sequence that was reacted to further into the chain. so take that for what you will.

Max C at 3 is too bricky in this deck tbh. Pulling 2 in your first hand is almost guranteed loss if they have a way to out it... which they usually do... 1 is fine if you want to add it but i like this version without it better.

I climbed from m5-m3 after I figured the deck out but it got capped out there tbh. Part of that was me tho just not understanding the deck, this deck is not forgiving, one mistake often means a loss. I think after a week of playing it tho I might have a decent shot at m1 next season.


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