Chain Burn

Master V from on March 9th, 2024
cp-ur 420 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

You get to burn your enemies and nobody expects it, it's the Spanish Inq... I mean Chain Burn!

Burn Baby Burn!

And we're back!

My goal for this season was to reach master before Transaction Rollback. Close enough!

I did some small tweaks to the list from last month.

First, I incorporated "Bad Luck Blast" into the list replacing a LotHP and a Maxx C. The card averages on 1500 damage so it's not amazing, but it's better than bricking!

Second, I now run a more Dogmatika-ready ED. Again it does not make a difference in most matches, so feel free to ignore the ED.

You might also want to consider running 12 cards or less in the ED (but at least 6) to dodge that new Transaction Rollback FTK.


Two more things:

  1. Im now gonna play around with Transaction Rollback and Marella. Maybe we'll see a new list if I hit M1? :P
  2. Some of the peepz in the #burn channel (me included) have been writing an updated guide to Chain Burn, look forward to it!

In the meantime you can take a look at this doc for a general guide / tips, I update it from time to time.

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