Invoked Dogmatika

Master V from on March 17th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

blind second invoked dogmatika

deck target:

This deck is trying to go second, break an established board, and go for damage with giant beat sticks, and if not successful, setup enough interaction to just stop the opponents next plays.

While the idea is incredibly simple, because of the fact you try to go second into an established board, it has a moderate learning curve required to optimize gameplay, since you know when to interrupt and what to remove in order to break boards vs different decks

deck combos:

The deck combos are really easy to do, since there are none really, just remember to perform the alister stuff \ super poly stuff before the dogmatika stuff, since dogmatika lock you out of the extra deck

alister / magical meltdown - normal alister, add invocation, link summon artemis, invocation alister + artemis into mechaba

dogmatika ecclesia \ matrix - add both alba zoa and kalamity, rit summon alba zoa using lulu

anything else is basically just to top it off with more damage, such as nexus to blow the field and burn the opponent, or maximus for malong or ntiss

if you cannot kill the opponent, try to setup in the grave lulu (from rit) + granguignol + pegasus for some powerful interruptions (summon incredible ecclesia from lulu at end phase). with these you get to fusion mirrorjade with an extra deck monster (incredible ecclesia), mirrorjade banish + boardwipe, granguignol to summon lulu, and pegasus to shuffle a card back

notable interactions:

matrix needs an opponent’s monster to set off the double search, so don’t full board wipe before it

dogmatika ecclesia can summon herself if there is an extra deck monster, so either mechaba or artemis can fulfill this, if need be (such as when alister is negated)

matrix is best card in deck, fire off the other searches before it to bait out ash

alba zoa fuels nexus, so use it before combat with no opponent extra deck monsters to get both

fire off super poly before the dogmatika stuff that locks you out of the extra deck, or even better, in response to them

alister has a second eff that works at the start of damage step, in which it is really had to respond

invocation has another eff to return the banished alister. always use it immediately

garura has double damage, so alister buff doubles damage, which means that super poly + alister \ meltdown is 7500 alone

incredible ecclesia special summons herself, so usually start with her, but don’t activate her eff immediately, wait for the right time (though before the dogmatika stuff that locks you out, since then fallen of albaz won’t work)

magical meltdown protects fallen of albaz from being negated

notable choices

only 1 ash - I don’t really care to interrupt in the opponents turn (except nib), so the single ash is for the crossout

3 alister 2 meltdowns - alister is better than meltdown, since you can pitch it for damage if need be, but you don’t really want multiple

why no shaddoll? - its a lot better going first, but if you have schism, winda and apkallone then it can replace the granguignol and second lulu

budget choices

raigeki is budget, just do the solo mode also get all the bundles, so you have the things you need

ultimate slayer -> d.d crow harpie’s -> lightning storm 1 nib -> forbidden droplet 1 lulu -> proskenion titanklad -> sprind ntiss -> one more malong 1 imperm -> you can play a forbidden chalice and it will be about the same strength omega -> ferrijit (good to shuffle back albaz or incredible ecclesia if drawn, also multiple copies of anything that is a once, but i figured that have omega to shuffle fire princess is nice)

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