Notes & Combos
Got to Master rank for the first time at the end of the month with this salad. It was hard. Going first 60 cards because this deck runs a lot of bricks. Some handtraps are at 1 because of designator that can resolve sometimes.
Ashened is fun, but bricks a lot and is very weak to hand traps. Because of that, I added the hornet drones to go into Verte (if i didn't plan to lock myself into pyro before in the combo) or S.P. (if i plan to lock myself into pyro), but the main reason was to bait handtraps. Dragoon and S.P. can survive the Veidos combo and be an extra body.
Gen and Ken can be an extra normal summon when the oppening hand have the ashened field spell and ashened monsters. Also, sometimes is possible to get them back with Ashened for Eternity or pop one of them with dragoon for some extra effect dmg. They are good hantraps baits too.
For the Ashened stuff, two Ashened to endlessness felt better than one and just one of the fusion spell was enough. The trap GY effect was usefull for superpoly or the effect of Hero when it got popped or used as fodder for dragoon or superpoly, thus a second one could be used for the fusions. In grind games I felt that a second Shaman was needed but most times one or even zero was enough.
Volcanic emperor can put a lot of pressure, after the ashened combo search him with banshee, use banshee and him as materials for the ashened fusion spell and go into Embers, then special Emperor from the GY. If i kept Banshee banished or special her back depended if i had materials to special summon Emperor again if needed. If i had, i kept Banshee banned for extra effect dmg. Almost aways used the volcanic trap before the main fase to burn 2800 with a Veidos in the opponent field. If Banshee was kept banned, they started their turn with 3700 LP and a Emperor to deal with, making the opponent go into some early S.P.
Nibiru is almost always instalose. Dropplet was also a massive problem because it negated the Emperor effect and used a Veidos and/or gen/ken as fodder.