Notes & Combos
The idea of the deck is to aim at going second with sky striker cards and power spells then use the fire king's inhate resistance to disruption to break trough and maybe OTK.
You can see a clear parallel with Sky striker tenpai, the big difference being that, if sent first, this deck has a more than competent gameplan than seals pass. Mainly composed of the classic fire king monsters (Arvata negate and revive, Sacred garunix recursion, kirin revive&pop and eternity garunix nuke) + some link plays composed of promethean princess and amblowhale.
Another question you might ask is why mix these 2 engines? why not any other engine with sky striker? Well this is because there is a strong bridge between the 2 archetypes mainly the fact that fire king is excellent at spamming bodies that can be turned into camelia to send engage then linked of into kagari to get the engage back and thus any SS spell you'd like but the fire king often struggle with consistency due to their relatively low amount of starters. This is remedied by the phantastic draw power of the striker engine and the power spells + Kagari is a fire so even if you only draw sanctuary/island you can still get your Fire king plays started from there.
another funny interaction is that amblowhale effect when destroyed can bring back kagari so, during grind games you can recycle engage during both players turns at least once.
Finally I'm not a big fan of sunlight wolf so I might replace it with s:p in the future. And I have had problems bricking on skyburn so I might replace one with lightning storm
My FK SS playlist: