
Master V from on March 25th, 2025
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 720
50 cards

Notes & Combos

Got to DL.Max with this deck as well

Nothing too exciting it's basically the same as my last two lists

Before climbing with this deck again I was playing Handtrap control with DPE, but that deck had too many annoying matchups that I swapped.

I was testing the Kashtira engine in here over the Bystials and I didn't like it a ton, they just didn't feel as good s the Bystials in this format.

I took out Sanct, I don't think it's nearly a good enough draw to justify playing for Tract to be a one card combo. I did keep the second Tract in, it's still a good extender and handtrap bait to play. I also took out 1 Lubellion to keep the deck at 50.

I put in the Spirits as I felt the deck was a little too bricky, so I just wanted an extra 1cc and Sakitama is a good extender.

I'm happy with the rest of the deck, I sometimes missed having another Rank 6 but I summoned every monster so often I didn't feel the need to play it. Also thinking about playing an extra copy of Daybreak or Water Lily, I just feel there's nothing to cut.

Might try to grind to M1 with Odgo before the end of the sseason after the next pack releases as I want to try the Performages.

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March Replays (and Feb) for this deck