Yubel Fiendsmith

Master V from on March 27th, 2025
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 510
42 cards

Notes & Combos

If it worked for Duelist Cup, then it's still good in Ranked!

Even in the current format (as of right now, pre-Beatrice ban and Pre-Dominus Purge/Impulse), Yubel is a bit slept on as a solid deck reaching Master V.

If Yubel combos off, it's still one of the best going 1st decks that can fit in a good amount of hand traps.

Speaking of hand traps, I was experimenting with a ton of different hand trap ratios and number of one-of's that I own (as of posting) depending on the matchups I was often encountering on my climb. However, I ultimately settled on my current list because it struck a balance of decent Crossout targets and hand traps I didn't mind opening going 2nd.

I even tried running going 2nd board breakers as insurance against backrow/Stun, but it ended up not mattering as I ran into those decks less and less as I got closer.

As for Yubel Fiendsmith itself, it's thankfully not affected at all by Beatrice getting banned thanks to Aerial Eater filling in for her.

I also added in Piri Reis Map for consistency because I found myself bricking more often than in the past.

With all that said, Glad Yubel Fiendsmith came through for me to reach Master V!

The question now is, how will Yubel adapt to the inclusion of Dominus Purge and Impulse? We'll find out soon enough.............

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