Adventure Prank-Kids

Master V from on May 31st, 2024
cp-ur 1380 + cp-sr 270
60 cards

Notes & Combos

pretty much start off with any prank kid, do there summons to bait out opponents resources. then go into main combo use your 2 monsters to go into spright sprind. send angler to gy, activate to summon any 2 nimble monsters from deck, go into gigantic spright using and nimble and spright sprind as material. Activate gigantic spright to summon spright blue, blue search jet, jet search starter, use starter for either red or carrot based on situation. use any non important material to go into elf, use elf to summon back any level 2, then go into masquerena.

On your opp turn you should have at least 3 disruptions with masquerena into little knight, and carrot or red.

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