Buster Blader

Master V from on May 21st, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 570
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Inspired by the top 8 deck from the recent Greek Open beta.yugiohmeta.com/top-decks/greek-open-peisteri-2024/buster-blader/nikolas-ladas/oJQPe

I played Buster blader variants before, Halq combo blader, D-link blader, bystial buster blader, but this is the first successful one I played for a long time.

Still, the main focus of the deck is to have access to Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman and a dragon the in the graveyard. With that, you can summon Buster Dragon and Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman which is basically a skill drain.

Powerful lock, but they had to put a bunch of restrictions on them. Everything else in the deck is there to help facilitate the combo or help close out the game (because Buster Dragon SS'd via prologue only lasts two turns, and Buster blader fusion cant attack directly.)

Bystials don't have direct synergy aside from being dragons, but they can get additional bodies on the board, and serve as pseudo hand traps.

Horus engine is basically to have a discard for your bricks. Discarding Dragon Buster, Destruction Sword Memories or a buster blade in hand are very much welcome. You can also use it for a rank 8 or to just have a defensive wall.

Red-eyes package is very good. One card for make Seals, last 13 games I added Gamma and the Red-Eyes Black Meteor. Gamma was used but not black meteor.

The extra deck is pretty tight I think, I didn't want to get a 2nd copy of Seals and honestly I didn't need it. Card I would see being cut is Dingirsu. Maybe replace with Accesscode.

I knew I didn't play ash but I just noticed I also didn't play maxx c. LMAO Guess I didn't notice it after copying the deck from TCG. Anyway, in 31 games I played I didn't even notice the lack of maxx c.

Stats and matchup details: imgur.com/a/tg9GNU9

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