Egyptian God

Master V from on May 29th, 2024
cp-ur 1200 + cp-sr 300
45 cards

Notes & Combos

A very fun deck that focus on bring out Phoenix and to help mill the deck when having true sun god and millenium revelation or anicent chant plus people don't read on what true sun god does and would try to otk with the Horus

I play with little bit of hand traps cause I'm already playing with a brick pile dont need more bricks in this deck the only card that can't play through ash would be my horus cards if i open up with it alone but I would try to bait the ash first before using horus unless I have a really good hand, the reason I only play one sphere is because phoenix recycles it and have tried to play it at two but having two Ra's is just better since True sun god already searches for sphere

I would use another version of this deck when I derank and would continue with this deck since I wanted to play with all the Ra support cards besides Dark Spell Regeneration since its just a bad card which Millennium Revelation does already or I would use my main deck if my luck is very very bad

My other version of Ra tearlaments

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