
Master V from on November 11th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

this deck has 16 one-card combos (any access to formud skipper, reich-heart, or circular is full combo) drawing multupiple engine pieces will result in bonus to your standard 1 card combo.

the standard 1 card combo board is omega hand rip + lambda and searchable and activatable gamma, and superfactorial with 3 mathmech including diameter in the grave. drawing additional engine will also give you baronne, IP, hreatsoul, and/or dweller depending on the engine you have

example combo: normal formud receal light, link add parralel and planet add reichheart, special reich add arrival link into lambda trigger parralel to special then overlay for the mathmech xyz add circular special circular foolish nabla tribute the xyz special nabla add superfactorial tribute nabla special diameter synchro for omega hand rip and trigger lambda to search for gamma.

you can build this deck differenly by playing more engines and extenders but this was cut to the minimum number of bricks to boost consistency while maintaining an insane power ceiling.

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