
Master V from on November 1st, 2023
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I played desires instead of extravagance to save on UR CP. I would recommend extravagance over desires.

I played 8 normal summons and I feel like that is an optimal amount to ensure you have them even during a grind game.

Crackdown and TCBOO felt really bad but when they came up they were very decisive in giving me victories. I would still try and find something else to play in their place.

My dogmatika punishment targets are mostly what I had on hand except for crafting N'tss and Garura. I only really used N'tss, Garura, Skull Knight, and Skull Wagon.

Time-tearing morganite is amazing but you have to be wary of decking out if your opponent is able to stall you out. (Especially if you play desires)

I ran into Red Reboot a ton. I was not expecting that. I don't think I would play additional spell/trap negates just for that, but its an option.

The one-of board breaking cards (Evenly, Raigeki, Herald of the Abyss) all performed pretty well. The Herald was the least useful and probably should be something else.

I would consider playing Decisive Battle for more monster protection.

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