
Master V from on November 25th, 2023
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The ED can mostly just be banish fodder, but Almiraj is good because it lets you out a monster that Crackdown stuck you with; which you'll want to out if you're also under TCBOO and Clockwork. You can hypthetically go into Dweller, but it's going to be a weaker floodgate than whatever you used to make it so I don't recommend it, unless you really need Zeus for whatever reason.

Typically, all you'll want on turn one is any of the main deck monsters (besides Shifter) and Moon Mirror Shield or Clockwork Night up. To get that more consistently, run Armory call at 3 and run more barrier statues.

Some "going first" cards that aren't in this list, but are still good are: -Gozen Match -Rivalry of Warlords -Anti-spell fragrance

Feel free to add "going second" cards (Evenly, Lightning Storm, etc.). I find that I've already basically lost if I'm going second, and drawing the "going second" cards when I'm going first can make hands bricky; so I personally don't use them.

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