Notes & Combos
Last month I submitted a handtrap-less build with Striker cards, so now I'm going the other extreme with no board breakers.
Mostly is just standard Tenpai. As for the other stuff:
- Impulse acts as a handtrap to get Fire Attacker on field for some extra hand filtering to hopefully find the roach or whatever.
- Fire Attacker and the Bystial suite (and Driver) are all level 6, which pairs with Hop Ear Squadron to make Accel Stardust→revive the tuner→Synchro into a level 10 all on their turn.
- I'm playing Satellite Warrior as an alternate option to Baronne. Pop 2 on the opponent's turn is solid and I usually ended up going for it over Baronne since people don't expect it and play around it less.
- Since I'm running zero board breakers, I like having TY-PHON as an extra option for removal. It's desperation but it's worked out alright versus decks with bad recursion.
- S:P feels a bit similar to TY-PHON in desparation so I stuck with Phoenix to keep my direct attacks, but that's probably wrong. Especially since Gamma/Driver + Hop Ear on the oppnent's turn ends on a Synchro + Hop Ear, which is a free S:P with banish before having to commit any cards on my turn.