Notes & Combos
This was pure copium. I wanted to put my two favorite decks to play IRL together and I can't believe how well they worked off each other. I had to tweak this list literally at least a dozen times to get something that was consistent, not-bricky and had a high ceiling. I will say adding rainbow bridge was like terraforming, it was great to grab throne.
At first glance you may think "how tf", so did I. But after hours of testing, this list was the one that got me from D5 to M5. The decks synergize so well off eachother. If I started with the tear engine, I found myself milling grave squirmer and a lotus, or a SOY which gave me immediate access to the Yubel engine. If you start with the yubel engine, you have like no access to the tear engine so that's the only downside. If I opened Lotus and Reinohart, I leaned more towards the tear engine for that reason, but you can't go wrong with setting up the Unchained stuff and a POY + muckraker. The most awkard part of the deck is opening both Reinohart and Lotus/DBB and having to decide which to NS.
I tested this deck for HOURS and HOURS, I really think it plays super well (obviously well enough to make it to M5). I do think I will tweak the ED. I only summoned Baronne 3 times in like 100 matches. Will probably switch her out with Muddragon or Dweller. Other than that, I loved everything about people scooping once I mill a fusion target and a squirmer and SOY. That's a free POY on top of all the tear stuff. I will say too, Nightmare Pain on Scheiren should be illegal, it saved me so many games.I know people playing me were like this dude is nuts LOL.
If you net-deck this deck, please just know that you will have to decide which engine to use per your matchup. This is not the most linear deck, so beware.
I have a few more replays I'll post on my channel but the two here were pretty highlight worthy.