Cyber Dragon

Master V from on September 30th, 2023
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 180
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I didn't have any major problems getting to master with this cyber dragon deck. Keep in mind that it's not such a strong deck when you have to start first, so basically what I had to do was start on the second turn whenever possible, using cards like the harpy's feather duster and the lightning storm to deal with the backrow.

Having Clockwork Night in hand will generally solve most of your problems in dealing with the opponent's monsters field, and "Duality" can open up new combo options or you can just use it to finish the opponent with any cyber drangon from your extra deck. After summon OG cyber dragon you can user duality on him and make the "chimeratech rampage dragon" where you can send cyber dragon herz and cyber dragon core, using the herz effect to bring cyber dragon core back to hand and open up new gameplay possibilities.

I used two "Cyber Dragon Infinity" just because I was facing some kashtira that could remove it from the deck, but you can use just one if you prefer. I was inspired by Atem's deck, posted on his channel, with the exception of "relinquished anima" I didn't see the need for major changes. Below I have left some replays that show how important support cards are in the deck and can guarantee your victory.

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