
Master V from on September 4th, 2023
cp-ur 420 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Big thanks to Dvelshnef for giving me his list. Made some adjustment to fit how I like to play.

Tried SW last month and was not a fan. Tried it again this month and I really enjoyed it. What changed? Firstly, we dropped effect veiler and rodenut for Blackwing - Chinook the Snow Blast. It's basically an imperm in hand and can be used with small world(from hand and deck). It's also a winged-beast which means it can be used with Advent of Adventure to unbrick our hand. Secondly, we added a 3rd copy of small world. From my climb from Diamond 5 to Master 5, I probably bricked around 5 times.

Common Chinook SW Lines

  • Chinook --> Raiza --> Robina
  • Maxx "C" --> Chinook --> Robina
  • Small Bird --> Chinook --> Robina
  • Raiza --> Chinook --> Robina
  • D Shifter --> Chinook --> Robina


I think the biggest weakness of this deck are bricking, negate boards, and Ash. To reduce our chances of bricking, we play the 3 SW + 3 Maxx "C" because the roach becomes a starter with SW. Floo has a hard time to even deal with a simple Swordsoul board like Chixiao+Baronee. To compensate for this weakness, I added 3 DRNM. To stop Ash, we pray that CBTG is in our opening hand or the opponent ashes a pot, SW, Maxx C, or anything else.

Tech Options

Maxx "C", Small World, Called By the Grave, and Chinook was covered in the previous sections. Barrier statue is there mainly as a SW bridge (Raiza-->Statue-->Robina). 2 Raiza because you'll often be banishing 1 from SW and I'm not spending 30 UR on Snowl. Max out on your pots. Book of moon can be used to dodge targeted negates such as imperm/veiler/sulliek or to stop Kashtira from doing their plays. Going 1st, you BoM their first summon before they can activate their effect. Going 2nd, toggle on and BoM the Shangri-Ira in draw phase. I really want to add in a 3rd book, but no space. No evenly match because I feel like the meta decks can either survive with 1 card remaining or negate it.

Why 2 Dreaming Town?

By having 2, I often found that I have it in my opening hand, so I can search a different S/T (Usually Map) with Empen. Additionally, if my Empen goes to GY/Banish pile, I can just bring back the Empen instead of DT and search the 2nd DT. Due to this, I can be more aggressive with my Raiza usage such as using Empen as tribute to summon Raiza.

For Extra Deck, just put in a bunch of Blackwing Synchros for chinook imperm effect.

I reached the character limit, so leave any questions in the comment section.

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Master Duel ID: 338-468-693

Rather than saving cool matches where I went back and forth with the opponent, I saved the matches where my board ended with more than just Empen + Dreaming Town. Due to this, the gameplay may not be very interesting, but I think newer Floowandereeze player can learn a lot from watching the combos.