
Master V from on September 9th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

661-137-080 for replays

I adapted the deck to the new format. Most relevant change is the use of the Bosses Spell/Trap. I was never a fan of those cards, but little changes of the general tech choices in the meta, make them feel more viable. I'm not sure if it's the best approach, but let's test it a little bit. :)

Nidhogg - stops Kash and Noir.

Mourner - I think she's stronger than Veiler in this format.

Ogre - ok against Kash (birth), good against DL (Ravine) and necessary against Purrely (My Friend).

Diviner - Targets: Trias, Vala, N'tss and Wyvern. Also, we're happy if it gets ashed, because that means at least the Boss Stage will probably resolve during the DP.

Skill Drain - stops Kash and Noir.

Elf - is a good addition since almost everything relevant targets. Also, Reborning Diviner to send N'tss is kinda cute.

Ancient Sacred Wyvern - turns Diviner into a lv9 so u can xyz or monstrosity w her (also sometimes u can make a high atk Sync w Loptr + HT).

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661-137-080 for replays.

Most of the "different" cards on my list are being played on the last replays, so u guys can see how they're used.

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