
Master V from on September 11th, 2023
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 780
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I've been a mikanko player since they came out in TCG and pretty involved in deckbuilding (shoutout to Mikanko discord), so I am pretty familiar with how they played already and just needed to familiarise myself with bo1 and Maxx C format.

Some general notes about this list:

Cut ni-ni: never really liked this card, Hu-li is a better summon 95% of the time so whats the point, just bricked me in hand where going 2nd is important.

Bystials: cyberse is an auto lose mu without them, nice synergy since you can bounce them back with arabesque, or just make dharc with them since most of the meta is playing dark.

Decode Talker: 100% a meme i didnt have unicorn lol, won me a game tho so it might be the best card in the deck idk.

Kagura: I see a lot of people cutting this card, which is fair since its quite bricky, but it makes grind games into backrow decks (lab especially) pretty trivial.

Sheridan: pretty cool since half of its cost can be bystials, it was never really worth it to make it with Ohime.

Everything else is pretty standard.

Had a 13 win streak from p5 to p2, then a 9 game streak from d3 to m5.

Deck good, just remember what outs huli and hit those.

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