
Master V from on September 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 180
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck is entirely a 1 card combo so it can be crammed with a ton of non-engine and blind second.

  1. Normal Reich-Heart, effect.
  2. Add Arrival
  3. Link Reich-Heart into Light-Heart.
  4. Effect, add field spell.
  5. Activate Field spell to add a Scareclaw or Visas. Whichever works. Any scareclaw name is best, but Visas does come up as shown in my replays.
  6. Special the card you added.
  7. Activate arrival, special back Reich-Heart.
  8. Link all 3 into Tri-Heart.
  9. Bob's your Uncle. You're free to activate Tri-Heart effect which revives a Scareclaw & adds another. You're 75% of the way to lethal.

This deck was a super easy climb. The hands it produces are gross. My twitch chat created the meme of "average scareclaw hand" because they look like 3-4 disruptions and board breakers and 1-2 starters most of the times. Of course there are outliers though. Good luck if you decide to climb with this deck. It's super fun!

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