Ice Barrier

Master V from on September 13th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Same list as last season, but with a slight change.

Much smoother of a climb this time around, maybe people forgot how Ice Barrier works after the Wind/Water event ended? Who knows.

I took out Kragen for Zealantis; I found I had the opportunity to link summon more so than xyz summon. I only used it once so you could consider it the flex spot in the Extra Deck.

After a comment on my last season list, I considered adding the gamma package, but half the time I would brick on handtraps, so I stuck with what I have now. I also considered taking out Baron, but held off, and I'm glad I did, because it won me my Master V promo game.

Also, belated shoutout to @Cat_of_nine in the Discord for his idea last season on switching out General Wayne for Defender, which got me to Master I back then.

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