Lair of Darkness

Master V from on September 29th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Only hit m3 this season, was originally planning to grind to m1 but got burnt out and decided to play different games so I'm uploading this a bit late.

Made lots of changes to the deck as I understood it better, maxx c has been cut because I kept opening 1-2 going first and then didn't have enough interruption to stop myself being otked. (And since we have such a small amount of ht bait it rarely ever resolved).

Ice dragons is because of the massive amount of tear decks currently seeing play everywhere, and also because it lets us permanently remove garunix from grinding us down (if we get that far against fkse).

Black goat is amazing discard fodder for spoly as well as a strong backrow that lets you have interruption even after a harpies or lightning storm.

In the extra-deck I cut a lot of links as we rarely ever have enough materials to make them (unless we are already far ahead which at that point it hardly matters) in favour of more spoly and punishment targets. Verte has been very useful in removing sticky monsters such as yubels or other cards that have effects on destruction.

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I have a single replay against fkse just before the 2 duelist cup replays. I have replays of an older lair list, one against "Ms. Premi" and 2 others from master 2 of last season.

ID: 088-909-981