
Master V from on September 4th, 2024
cp-ur 1200 + cp-sr 330
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Decided to try out race this month: bricky as all **** but still fun. Most problematic matchup for me was tearlament, but oh well **** anyone who plays that deck. I would consider dropping gamma for more copies of talents because not a whole lot of people play into gamma anymore when you're going first (those dumbasses learned their lesson last month) but it's still too good when you're going second. Gamma on a normal summoned Lo is beautiful.

Most important thhing to remember is you MUST draw both poplar and bonfire in your opening hand. If you don't see those two cards when the duel starts then you forgot to swicth your deck to rescue-ace. And for the love of god don't be one of those people who say "just run 2 poplar hur dur" cus then you're just gonna draw both poplars >:(

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