
Master V from on September 19th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 750
60 cards

Notes & Combos

60 cards to disable That Gras Looks Greener and high amount of handtraps because board breakers don’t work against FTK and Kali Yuga decks which are the two bad matchups if they win the coin flip.

If Dimension Shifter gets unlimited I might switch to a smaller deck size but with two copies it's too inconsistent to have this card in every going second hand.

No Aroma cards since winning the coin flip against somebody who has neither MAXX 'C' nor a wall of handtraps will almost never happen and they require too much special summons to do something.

The optimal opening hand:

  • 1 or 2 handtraps to at least try to stop a Burn FTK when loosing the coin flip
  • Evenly Matched or Harpie's Feather Duster since all the non FTK decks heavily rely on their spells and traps
  • Something to combo (usually never resolves in the first turn but its use case is to hand rip the opponent by forcing out MAXX 'C', PSY-Framegear Gamma, Infinite Impermanence, ...)
  • Access to Rikka to win the duel. The follow up from Rikka Petal enables performing the combo during the next turn with protection from monster effects against an opponent who has already used all the handtraps in the previous turn

The first Rikka Konkon always gets cleared by Harpie's Feather Duster, Evenly Matched or S:P Little Knight and the second one is searchable for the OTK in the upcoming turn.

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Player id: 018-478-910

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