
Master V from on September 13th, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 630
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Notes about the climb

Pretty smooth climb went from D4-M5 with this decklist and got a 8 game win streak to get to M5. I bricked very rarely and when I did it was just the case of getting unlucky and opening bricks plus hand traps. This deck has a bunch of gas and can play pretty well going second given you open enough engines going second.

Card Choices

Healer plus Dryas ratios

  • I only run one healer and one dryas since they are both limited in the tcg

  • If I were to change anything compared to my tcg deck list I would add one more Dryas and remove one Dancepione since most of my lines playing through imperm I prefer not to risk a mill 3 in a pile deck and second dryas would let me play through an imperm

Cactus bouncer line

  • Is the quickest normal summon Loci combo with one brick it significantly cuts down on the combo time and does not run through as much of the of the extra deck as the optimal normal summon Loci combo which runs through all 4 of the engines

All the one of’s

  • A bunch of Cross Out targets and possible Maxx “C” draws

Three Tactic and No Thrust

  • Love three Tactics since its a amazing going second card especially since Appolo is such a common card right now

  • No thrust because I do not like it going first and I would rather have more gas then set a imperm or something

Two droplet and two imperm

  • Comfort ratios I more or less like these ratios and it would be three three if Maxx “c” did not exist

Three Jasmine

  • You will go through three Jasmines in most of your combo lines

Possible tech/side cards

Predaplant Spider Orchid

  • Searchable Lv 1 plant that lets you out most back row and technically it can add princess if you can discard a plant monster in end phase

Naturia Rosewhip

  • Personally I don’t like it since it plays into Imperm and droplet just as much a Cactus Bouncer and can be superpoly’ed while Cactus Bouncer can't

Cactus Bouncer

  • See the above for why I run it


Normal summon Loci line


See Jess’s videos and her other ones to see more of the combos I learned alot from watching her play and from the videos she puts out

(If you actually want me to type the combos out I will in the comments I am close to the word cap)


This deck has renewed my interest in MD for the moment. I really like the complexity and versatility of this deck along with its ability to play really unique cards.

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ID: 254-644-614

Username Yaomo

Top 3 replays

  • 1st vs Duelist - second vs a Se-Fk player rank up duel
  • 2nd vs Minh ne - second vs Yubel would of been a harder fight if they know how to play
  • 3rd vs Coro - first vs tear example of why you do not ash Unexpected Dai and is a normal summon Loci combo

Youtube and twitch channel where I will be streaming and hopefully uploading content to in the future