
Master V from on September 5th, 2024
cp-ur 1290 + cp-sr 330
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Same old SHS Snake-Eye list, which I think is a more consistent and dangerous variant of Pure Snake-Eye. However, I did make some changes from my previous SHS Snake-Eye list that overall made the deck better in many aspects.

What's with the 1 Wagon?

While Scales is a stronger card on paper, it also added another brick which made hand quality worse. In its place, I added 1 Wagon as an additional SHS starter after I saw Pushean's SHS Snake-Eye decklist. Later on, I had a few games with Wagon, which convinced me it was the better card.

Its properties as a non-Tuner SHS monster cannot be understated, as it gives you access to Borreload Savage Dragon or Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon (and by extension Baronne) without needing Soulpiercer, which comes up in scenarios where Scarecrow / Soulpiercer gets negated or removed.

Why Bystials over 3 Nib?

I personally think Bystials are better than Nibiru in this format, and they've performed wonderfully against Yubel, Snake-Eyes, Voiceless Voice, etc.

That being said, I'm still keeping 1 Nib as a Maxx C draw and to not decrease my monster count for cards such as Scarecrow and One for One.

Any other changes?

The most important change is arguably cutting Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon and replacing it with Knightmare Phoenix, as I appreciated its utility more, especially going second to bait backrow.

1 Talents is a filler slot since I didn't want to have another Nibiru and Crossout felt worse to open than Talents., but it's a card that SHS Snake-Eye can take advantage of, even with SHS's restrictions.

Overall I think I am approaching the optimal SHS Snake-Eye deck, as while I generally have lower ceiling endboards than in the previous season, I have a better chance of going second while also having two resilient engines that can eat up handtraps or interruptions like nobody's business.

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