
Master V from on September 12th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 450
46 cards

Notes & Combos

Hello, sorry for my English, my main language is Spanish.

I bring you this not so competitive but quite fun deck in my opinion. It is a refreshing version of Vaylantz that combines the best of centurion and Vaylantz.

The great peculiarity of this deck is that our normal summon most of the time will be a centurion, which will allow us to avoid handtraps from the rival and if he doesn't have them, make a quite oppressive combo.

My extra deck should be Crimson Dragon, Quazar and Red Supernova Dragon, but where I am poor I used LuluWalilith, S:P and Legatia. Despite not being the target cards it allows us to play perfectly.

An important consideration is not to summon Auxila until they use the effect of Electrumite. This deck can play well on c max, that is why we have Oauth Emblem.

As you can see we have Gallant Granite which allows us to play Pachy if we want. There will be times when we won't be able to use normal summon for centurion monsters and we can use that normal summon. I was trying to run Centur-ion True Awakening, however, it would often appear in my hand, and I couldn't set Centurion to zone trap and spell.

If you want to cut back for consistency remove the samurai engine, add more small world and handtraps like C Max

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