Voiceless Voice

Master V from on September 4th, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 450
44 cards

Notes & Combos

I was tinkering with my deck trying to achieve more consistency. This latest iteration of my VV deck, along with better play, more knowledge and more luck got me to Master 5. When I posted the deck, I then realized that I didn't have Maxx C in my deck while going through most of Diamond. And to be honest, didn't miss it much. It's 50/50 on whether I'll add it back. Cosmic Cyclone has been a good addition, as backrow seems more common in Ranked. Preparation of Rites works well with Saffira, Dragon Queen. I like summoning Saffira, Divine Dragon with Blessing, as some don't realize that it can't be destroyed by battle when ritual summoned that way, and it's effects help with follow up. I hold my breath when using Dyna Mondo revive effect. Ghost Belle helps if I have it in hand. Chaos Angel is a nice backup hand if Skull Guardian gets negated. Typhon is meh. Looks so cool, but generally when Summoned, I lose.

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826602399 I hope to add more (and better) VV replays in the future, before the new pack is released. Will probably try to reach Master 1 with a different deck if I don't reach it with VV.