Notes & Combos
Maxx c is more optimal, Kurikara is more based.
The standard line goes: Tomahawk, I:P, Extender, Elf, Auroradon, O-lion, Accel, Jet (reduce), Baronne, Resummon Jet, Cupid, Borreload, Corridor, Colossus. If you don't have an extender just skip elf. If you draw o-lion then pop the auroradon and the token and normal summon o-lion, or discard it and reborn with elf if you dont have a normal summon. If u draw jet the line is the exact same, except u make borreload with accel and then ns jet, cupid reduce level, level 7 extender and then baronne into corridor/colossus. Check the replays on my profile.
Master Duel ID: 892-688-719